How to Find and Attend SUU Events

Posted: January 23, 2024 | Author: Abbie Cochrane | Read Time: 2 minutes

Lots of students at event

One of the best parts about Southern Utah University is how many events the school hosts. There’s always something to look forward to! The first step to attending events is knowing where to find event information. Here are four means that T-Birds can utilize to find out more about upcoming university events.

The Online Events Calendar and SUU App

The university events calendar is a one-stop shop for all event information. Any event hosted by SUU should be listed on this site, along with helpful information like a map highlighting the location, and a link to add the event to your Google or Outlook calendar. To see a more narrow selection of events, filter your search results by in-person or virtual events, categories, interests or audience.

The SUU app is also a helpful tool for students specifically. From access to a campus map, recreation opportunities, athletic events and clubs, the app also lists upcoming campus events at the top of the homepage. There, students can see digital flyers for upcoming events happening on campus and around Cedar City.

Word of Mouth

Seemingly the most obvious option, word of mouth is a great way to hear about campus events, and better yet–who’s going to be at them. It’s a great way to make memories with your friends and meet new people. Professors, student leaders and general campus populous all can spread the word about upcoming events to fellow students and faculty, as well as the community.

Bulletin Boards and Posters

Every building on campus has a place for student organizations and clubs, as well as the general public and community members, to promote their upcoming events. Be on the lookout for flyers passed out or on bulletin boards and posters around campus. If you would like to promote an event, be sure to take all the appropriate steps as found on the SUU website.

Social Media

Social media is a great resource for students and alumni to stay up to date on the going-ons at SUU. Large university events like homecoming and graduation are promoted on the flagship university accounts (@suutbirds). Student events are promoted on @suustudentlife. Different clubs and organizations, offices, colleges and departments may also have social media accounts where events are promoted.

Attending campus events is a great way to get involved as a T-Bird and show your school spirit. What events will you attend, T-Bird?

Tags: Campus Student Clubs Student Life Events

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